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Edited Volumes
Engels, Anita, Marotzke, Jochem, Ratter, Beate, Gresse, Eduardo Gonçalves, López-Rivera, Andrés, Pagnone, Anna, & Wilkens, Jan (Eds.). (2024). Hamburg Climate Futures Outlook 2024: Conditions for Sustainable Climate Change Adaptation. transcript Verlag.
- Gresse, Eduardo Gonçalves, López-Rivera, Andrés, Pagnone, Anna, Wilkens, Jan, Engels, Anita, Marotzke, Jochem & Ratter, Beate. Chapter 1: The Hamburg Climate Futures Outlook 2024: Goals and Structure. (pp. 14-17).
- Engels, Anita, Wilkens, Jan, López-Rivera, Andrés, Gresse, Eduardo Gonçalves, Pagnone, Anna, Ratter, Beate, Döring, Martin, Marotzke, Jochem, Aykut, Stefan & Wiener, Antje. Chapter 2: The Plausibility of Climate Futures: Explaining the Methodology. (pp. 18-25).
- Wilkens, Jan, López-Rivera, Andrés, Engels, Anita & Gresse, Eduardo Gonçalves. Chapter 3: The Plausibility of Achieving Deep Decarbonization by 2050. (pp. 26-67).
- Gresse, Eduardo Gonçalves, Engels, Anita & Wilkens, Jan. Box I: The Implications of Degrowth Scenarios for the Plausibility of Climate Futures. (pp.68-69).
- Engels, Anita, Marotzke, Jochem, Ratter, Beate, Gresse, Eduardo Gonçalves, López-Rivera, Andrés, Pagnone, Anna & Wilkens, Jan. Box III: Toward an Inclusive and Connected Repertoire of Climate Action. (pp. 152-153).
- López-Rivera, Andrés, Wilkens, Jan, Gresse, Eduardo Gonçalves, Pagnone, Anna, Engels, Anita, Marotzke, Jochem, Ratter, Beate, Wiener, Antje, Oberg, Achim and Döring, Martin. Chapter 6: Integration and Synthesis of Assessments. (pp. 144-151)
- Engels, Anita, Marotzke, Jochem, Ratter, Beate, Gresse, Eduardo Gonçalves, López-Rivera, Andrés, Pagnone, Anna & Wilkens, Jan. Chapter 7: Implications for Shaping Climate Futures. (pp.154-159).
Engels, Anita, Marotzke, Jochem, Gresse, Eduardo Gonçalves, López-Rivera, Andrés, Pagnone, Anna, & Wilkens, Jan(Eds.). (2023). Hamburg Climate Futures Outlook 2023: The plausibility of a 1.5°C limit to global warming – social drivers and physical processes. Cluster of Excellence Climate, Climatic Change, and Society (CLICCS).
- Wilkens, Jan, Pagnone, Anna, Gresse, Eduardo Gonçalves, López-Rivera, Andrés, Engels, Anita, Marotzke, Jochem, Aykut, Stefan C., Rödder, Simone, Sillmann, Jana, & Wiener, Antje. (2023). CLICCS Plausibility Assessment Framework. (pp. 20-33).
- Pagnone, Anna, Gresse, Eduardo Gonçalves, López-Rivera, Andrés, Wilkens, Jan, Engels, Anita, & Marotzke, Jochem. (2023). Plausibility of attaining the Paris Agreement temperature goals. (pp. 33-50).
- Wilkens, Jan & Aykut, Stefan C. (2023). Technology and the plausibility of climate futures. (pp. 66-67).
- Pavenstädt, Christopher, Wilkens, Jan, Huch, Charlotte, Jarke-Neuert, Johannes, Commelin, Solange, & Mosuela, Cleovi. (2023). Climate protest and social movements. (pp. 97-103).
- Wilkens, Jan, López-Rivera, Andrés, Rothe, Delf, Schenuit, Felix, & Wiener, Antje. (2023). Knowledge production. (pp. 133-139).
Wilkens, Jan, & Datchoua-Tirvaudey, Alvine. (2022). Researching climate justice: a decolonial approach to global climate governance. International Affairs, 98(1), 125–143.
Wilkens, Jan. (2017). Postcolonialism in International Relations. In R. Marlin-Bennett (Ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Revised and updated version forthcoming 2025).
Hofius, Maren, Wilkens, Jan, Hansen-Magnusson, Hannes, & Gholiagha, Sassan. (2014). Den Schleier lichten? Kritische Normenforschung, Freiheit und Gleichberechtigung im Kontext des »Arabischen Frühlings« – Eine Replik auf Engelkamp/Glaab/Renner, Ulbert und Deitelhoff/Zimmermann. Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen, 21(2), 85-105.
Aykut, Stefan C., Pavenstädt, Christopher N., Datchoua-Tirvaudey, Alvine, D’Amico, Emilie, Braun, Max, Karnik Hinks, Ella, Schenuit, Felix, Wilkens, Jan, & Rödder, Simone. (2022). Circles of Global Climate Governance: Power, Performance and Contestation at the UN Climate Conference COP26 in Glasgow. Center for Sustainable Society Research Working Paper Series, Working Paper No. 3 (February 2022), 1-29.
Book Chapters
Wilkens, Jan. (forthcoming, 2025). Narratives of Change in the Climate Crisis: The Return of the Tipping Point and Critical Norms Research. In S. Gholiagha, P. Orchard, A. Wiener (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Norms Research in International Relations. Oxford University Press.
Wilkens, Jan. (forthcoming, 2025). Grounded in a changing climate – Knowledge production and struggles for just climate futures. In B. Ackerly, L. Cabrera, M. Deveaux, F. Forma, G. Fuji Johnson, G. Starblanket, A. Wiener (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Grounded and Engaged Normative Theory. Oxford University Press.
Wilkens, Jan. (2024). Who Pays for Climate Change Adaptation? Climate Justice in the Mediterranean. In S. Florensa et al. (Eds.), IEMed Mediterranean Yearbook 2024, European Institute of the Mediterranean (pp. 288-291). (Open Access)
Wilkens, Jan. (2023). Constructivism and global constitutionalism. In A. F. Lang Jr. & A. Wiener (Eds.), Handbook on Global Constitutionalism (2nd & revised ed., pp. 115-128). Edward Elgar Publishing. (1st ed. published in 2017).
Wilkens, Jan. (2022). Chakrabarty, Dipesh (2009). The Climate of History: Four Theses. In Y. Ibrahim & S. Rödder (Eds.), Schlüsselwerke der sozialwissenschaftlichen Klimaforschung (pp. 63-68). transcript Verlag.
Wilkens, Jan. (2022). Translocal activism and the Syrian struggle in global politics: Civil society, agency, and ‘new’ political spaces. In J. K. Gani & R. A. Hinnebusch (Eds.), Actors and dynamics in the Syrian conflict’s middle phase: between contentious politics, militarization and regime resilience (pp. 410-430). Routledge. (Link)
Wilkens, Jan & Kessler, Oliver. (2021). Concluding Chapter: Concepts at Work in Global IR. In P. Ish-Shalom (Ed.), Concepts at Work: On the Linguistic Infrastructure of World Politics (pp. 203–221). University of Michigan Press.
Perino, Grischa, Jarke-Neuert, Johannes, Wilkens, Jan, & Pavenstädt, Christopher. (2021). Climate Protests and Social Movements. In D. Stammer, A. Engels, J. Marotzke, E. Gresse, C. Hedemann, & J. Petzold (Eds.), Hamburg Climate Futures Outlook 2021: Assessing the Plausiblity of Deep Decarbonization by 2050. Hamburg, CLICCS. (pp. 87-90).
Petzold, Jan, Wiener, Antje, Neuburger, Martina, Wilkens, Jan, Datchoua-Tirvaudey, Alvine, Schnegg, Michael, Notz, Dirk Philipp, Gonçalves Gresse, Eduardo, Scheffran, Jürgen, Lüdemann, Jana, Schmitt, Tobias, & Singer, Katrin. (2021). Diverse ways of knowing in a changing climate (Box 3). In D. Stammer, A. Engels, J. Marotzke, E. Gresse, C. Hedemann, & J. Petzold (Eds.), Hamburg Climate Futures Outlook 2021. Hamburg, CLICCS. (pp. 51).
Wilkens, Jan. (2015). Contention and Constitutionalization in the Global Realm: Assessing the Uprisings in West Asia and North Africa and their Impact on International Politics. In F. A. Gerges (Ed.), Contentious politics in the Middle East: popular resistance and marginalized activism beyond the Arab uprisings (pp. 25-50). Palgrave Macmillan.
Policy Reports
Wilkens, Jan & Acara, Eda. (forthcoming, 2025). [Coordinating Lead Authors Chapter 6] The Environmental Change-Conflict-Migration-Nexus and Uneven Challenges of Adaptation. In: Special Report on Environmental Change, Conflicts, and Human Migration in the Mediterranean Basin [Lange, M., Majdalani, R., Cramer, W., Driouech, F., Guiot, J., Gattacceca, J., Marini, K. (eds.)]. Union for the Mediterranean, Plan Bleu, MedECC Secretariat, Marseille, France.
Book Reviews
Wilkens, Jan (forthcoming, 2025) Saving Ourselves: From Climate Shocks to Climate Action by Dana R. Fisher, Political Science Quarterly.
Wilkens, Jan (2023). Das 1,5-Grad-Ziel möglich machen! Deutsche Klima-Konsortium (DKK).
Gholiagha, Sassan, Speyer, Johanna, Wilkens, Jan & Wunderlich, Carmen (2022). Whiter norms research in times of uncertainty? A Symposium. Duck of Minerva.
Bank, André, Flemmer, Riccarda; Heller, Regina; Hofius, Maren; Pfeifer, Hanna & Wilkens, Jan. (2021). Die “Politics of Scale” in der deutschsprachigen Politikwissenschaft: Warum sich eine breitere Diskussion des Konzepts lohnt. DVPW Blog.
Wiener, Antje, Gholiagha, Sassan, Wilkens, Jan & Acharya, Amitav (2017). Entering the Global Multilogue – A Replique to the German ZEIT Manifesto. Duck of Minerva.
Wilkens, Jan (2015). Der “Islamische Staat” und die angebliche Alternativlosigkeit in Syrien, In: Alsharq-Kompendium: IS-Dossier,
Wilkens, Jan (2015). Report on the ‘Impunity, Security and the Colonial Frontier’ workshop organised by the Colonial/Post-Colonial/De-Colonial working group as part of the BISA@40 workshops, August 2015 Link.